An Analysis of the Export Control Law from the Angle of National Security and Interests

(By Wang Haichua)The Export Control Law adopted by the Standing Committee of the National Congress on 17 October 2020 took effect on 1 December 2020. The aim of this law to accord paramount status to national security and interests was reflected in its official version and the process of its amendment in its formulation procedures. This article is an analysis of this law from the angle of national security and interests.

1.National security and interests up to the highest status

Article 1 of the Export Control Law provides that the aim of making this law is to protect national security and interests, perform the international duty of non-proliferation and strengthen export control. The second draft published in July 2020 changed the order of the phrases “protect national security and interests” and “perform the international duty of non-proliferation” so that the former came before the latter. In contrast with the second draft, in Articles 2, 9 and 10 of the official version the phrase “protect national security and interests” comes before the phrase “perform the international duty of non-proliferation”. The amendments are aimed to align the clauses with Article 1 and reflect the top aim of making the law to protect national security and interests.


Why China Companies Licensed by Overseas Right Holder Would Still Be Found Infringement?


(By Luo Yanjie) Abstract: Whether the confusion has been made among the consumers is the basis on which to judge the unfair competition liability. In recent two years, some China companies have engaged themselves in the fake licensing as first to establish a company outside mainland China in Hong Kong, with the same name like those reputed brands and then gain the benefits from the free riding on it. But once it has been judged confusion among the consumer, even it is licensed through the legal procedure, it shall also take the infringement liability.


How MaoTai and Wu Liang Ye Would Defend Against Vertical Pricing Monopoly Fines ordered by China NDRC?


(By You Yunting) Abstract: Both Mao Tai and Wu Liang Ye can rely on one of the seven situations in Article 15 of the Anti Monopoly Law for their defense. But, that defense will not be easy because it requires evidence that the relevant agreements will not limit market competitors and that consumers can share the interests produced by the agreements.

In yesterday’s post, the writer analyzed the legal meaning of the punishment ordered by the National Development and Reform Commission (“NDRC”) against two top Chinese distilleries, Mao Tai and Wu Liang Ye. Today’s post will go one step further to describe the way for Mao Tai and Wu Liang Ye can protect their own interests.


How to Make Administrative Complaints against Knockoff Software in China?

By Luo Yanjie

According to China “copyright law”, commercial using pirated software is a typical act of infringement. We generally recommend the right owner taking civil action against pirates. But in many cases, administrative complaints against them will be more efficient because it is hard to get “evidences”. Today, we would like to introduce how to start a copyright infringement complaint inChina.

I. Legal basis of administrative complaints to pirates users

The current “copyright law” article 47 provides:“Any of the following acts of infringement shall, depending on its circumstances, be demanded for civil responsibility such as cease of the infringement, elimination of effects, public apology or compensation for loss; if the act causes a damage to the public interests simultaneously, the copyright administration department may order the person committing the act to stop the act of infringement, confiscate his illegal gains, confiscate and destroy the infringing copies and impose a fine thereon; if the circumstances are serious, the copyright administration department may also confiscate the key materials, tools and equipment mainly used for making infringing copies; and if the act constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be demanded according to law”. This is the law basis for China Administration of copyright administrative punishment. In addition, the” Regulations for the protection of computer software” article 24 also make similar provisions in the light of computer software tort ( similar with ” copyright law”, repeat no longer here ). And” Decree of the National Copyright Administration of the PRC ” also provides the jurisdiction of an administrative copyright complaint case belongs to the State Copyright Bureau and the local copyright bureau, and make detailed provisions of legal procedure.


The Importance to Argue on Reasonable Grounds in Tax Disputes

——A Lesson from a Success Case

By Zhang Qianlin

I. The case and dispute

Several years ago, Mr. Liu and Mr. Chen jointly bought two realties, which were registered as joint ownership. Afterwards, disputes occurred and a lawsuit was initiated to claim for partition. The final judgment of second instance decides that two realities belong to Mr. Liu and Mr. Liu shall compensate Mr. Chen RMB 1.28 million.

Then, Mr. Liu, according to the final judgment, filed an application for execution to demand for registration for change. However, when Mr. Liu filed tax returns to the taxation authority, tax disputes arisen.


Matters for Attention in Trademark Refusal Review in China

It is reported that the British Lotus who will adopt “路特斯”, the transliteration of Lotus in Chinese, as its local brand in China due to a Chinese domestic company first registered the trademark of “Youth Lotus”. It’s also mentioned in the report that British lotus lost the trademark though it should have the chance to get it through the trademark refusal review. Today, Bridge IP Law Commentary will introduce you the system of review on the trademark refusal in China.

As regulated in the Article 32 of China trademark law: