How Does the US Government Determine Whether the Parallel Import of Trademarks Is Legal?

Record III of the Visit to New York

(By You Yunting) From late of March, the author visited the US at the invitation of the US government in order to get a better understanding of how the US IPR system operates. On Monday of the second week there, the author visited Wiggin and Dana LLP and Pryor Cashman LLP, two New York law firms. The law offices visited on that day were all in New York’s central business district and had spacious offices, with luxurious decorations, and the view outside was all of beautiful river scenery or of the Apple Countdown. The following is the record of that day’s visit.


Could Selling Parallel Imported iPhone 5 be Trademark Infringement in China?

By Luo Yanjie

In recent, Apply unveiled its new device iPhone 5, and that exited Apple fans around the world. Yet, as sad to Apples fans in mainland China, the region is not among the first launching zones.

Due to the arrangement, the retailer from the grey market is eagerly for their new fortune with the new device launch, and some have even made the preorder for the new iPhone by smuggling the Hongkong sold one to mainland China. Then, in addition to the strike back on taxation, could Apple prohibit such selling through the claim of trademark infringement, while considering all the imported ones are the true Apple phones? Here’re our opinions: