Will Lashou Lose its Trademark Battle after Apple?

—Analysis on Lashou trademark dispute

By Luo Yanjie

According to a recent news report (note: the link is in Chinese), Lashou Company, the largest daily deal website in China, owns the right of Chinese trademark “拉手网”, but the English trademark “lashou” is owned by “Shenzhen Harmonious Network Limited ” (the former Shenzhen Qiandao Ecommerce Ltd, hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen company) who applied the trademark in February of 2012, 2 months earlier than Lashou company. Shenzhen declared that the company may defend its legal interests. In addition, due to the “lashou” trademark is now of the ownership of the Shenzhen company, we have also noticed the concerns of the continuing use of lashou.com by Lashou Company.