Using Counterfeit Software to Manufacture Hardware May Constitute Copyright Infringement by the User


(By Luo Yanjie) Using another party’s copyrighted software,  and combining that technology with specific hardware product to produce a similar product may constitute copyright infringement. When determining whether such action constitute as a crime, the penalty may be calculated by the total value  of the hardware and software products,

When employees of high-tech companies leaves their employment, they may cause their former employer huge financial losses if they illegally uses the technology or software they obtained from their former employer. Therefore, companies generally take preventive measures with its employees by methods such as a duty not to compete or a non-disclosure agreement. For serious offenses, companies could consider filing criminal charges. In this post, you would see one such typical case.


How to Judge the Copyright Holder of Musical Works

 (By Luo Yanjie) Previously, we introduced how to determine the copyright holder of cinematographic works, and today we would like to continue by introducing how to determine copyright ownership of musical works. Similar to cinematographic works, we have confronted situations in infringement cases in which it is difficult to determine the copyright holder of musical work. For example, in one case the copyright conducted in mainland China was licensed by an overseas rights holder, but the name in the signed and issued license was different from what was written on the original CD. Although the issue might have come from a mistake in the translation, it still created a real obstacle for the rights holder. Now, let’s take a look on the way to determine the copyright holder of musical work in China.


China Copyright Law’s Revision May Help Open Source Software Right Protection

Q&A on Open Source Software

Our lawyers are consulted by netizens of the open source software issue, and the following is the detail of the consultancy:

1. A question about the lawsuit object. Why the lawsuit concerning the open source software as a joint works shall be the necessary colitigation, and demands the participation of all the authors?

A: Please check the following regulation, several opinions on the application of China Civil Litigation Procedure Law by supreme people’s court.


SIMENS Benefits: A Breakthrough of the Legal Compensation Limit on Pirate Software Litigation

As reported (note: the link is in Chinese), SIMENS PLC Software won the copyright dispute over its software against Excelstor Technology (Excelsor), a company headquartered in Shenzhen, in Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court, with a sentence to stop the infringement and compensation of 1.16 million yuan for the infringement. There are two eye catching points in this case: 1) the court aided SIMENS in evidence preservation to detain the computers of Excelsor’ s design department, which are detected of NX Unigraphics copyrighted by SIMENS, and that is rare in the cases of this kind; 2) the judged compensation surpassed the legal limit. The post today mainly focuses on the 2nd point. (the image today is the logo of SIMENS)