Conditions You Should Meet for Free Use of Alibaba Fonts

Alibaba recently published a new type of fonts known as “Alibaba Puhui” and announced that its customers and people around the world are authorized to use the fonts for free. Actually, there are many legal risks in use of fonts. Let me tell you how to avoid or reduce these legal risks.

1.You can only use Alibaba Puhui fonts and cannot change them.

The legal statement on the platform of Alibaba fonts has made it clear that the fonts are free and can be used for commercial purposes but cannot be used by violating a law or published without due authorization. More importantly, Alibaba hasn’t given users the right to modify the fonts, unlike Siyuan fonts, another type of free open source fonts. The above legal statement[1] is as follows.


Music Website in China: What Influence from Latest Copyright Law and Judicial Interpretation

Recently, the exposure draft of Copyright Law PRC (the “Exposure Draft”) has been the hot topic of the public, and also there comes the argument on the modification of some articles. In last week (20th April, 2012), the Supreme People’s Court released the Regulations on the Several Issues on the Law Application in Hearing the Civil Dispute of Infringement against the Right of Information Communication by Nerworks (exposure draft) (the “Judicial Interpretation”), and the document mainly intends to make kind of interpretation on the application of the right of information communication by networks. Then, what influence will come to local music websites shall both the Exposure Draft and the Judicial Interpretation are passed? The following is our opinions on it (the picture is the logo of QQ Music, one of the main music website in China):