Music Industry’s Revision Suggestion to Drafted Copyright Law, II

The exposure draft of revised Copyright Law (the “Draft”) has gained wide attention among the public after its publication on the website of the National Copyright Association of China (NCAC). One of the reasons contributing to the heated discussion is the articles possibly damaging the interests of musicians who have expressed their strong opposition to the Draft.

In recent, the Record Committee of China Audio & Video Association (CAVA) affiliated to General Administration of Press and Publication of PRC has made their suggestions to the modification on the Draft. To the introduction on the website of CAVA, it has more than 520 member units that are engaged in audio-video production, duplication, distribution and marketing. The member units have not only the largest state record corporation, audio-video press, but also the best music-make corporation, distribution and marketing corporation and the large chain marketing corporation at home. Under CAVA there are several working committees such as distribution, record, disc, educative publishing, digital audio-video and china marketing committee. And the Record Committee making the suggestion this time is the working committee of the CAVA.


Music Industry’s Revision Suggestion to Drafted Copyright Law, I

The exposure draft of revised Copyright Law (the “Draft”) has gained wide attention among the public after its publication on the website of the National Copyright Association of China (NCAC). One of the reasons contributing to the heated discussion is the articles possibly damaging the interests of musicians who have expressed their strong opposition to the Draft.

In recent, the Record Committee of China Audio & Video Association (CAVA) affiliated to General Administration of Press and Publication of PRC has made their suggestions to the modification on the Draft. To the introduction on the website of CAVA, it has more than 520 member units that are engaged in audio-video production, duplication, distribution and marketing. The member units have not only the largest state record corporation, audio-video press, but also the best music-make corporation, distribution and marketing corporation and the large chain marketing corporation at home. Under CAVA there are several working committees such as distribution, record, disc, educative publishing, digital audio-video and china marketing committee. And the Record Committee making the suggestion this time is the working committee of the CAVA.