Is It Illegal for 360buy Blocking Etao’s Price Comparisonand Plugin?
Today we are going to discuss legal problems concerning the 360buy blocking, Alibaba’s price comparison website,’ and its plug-ins. And it shall be first pointed out, the author has no relation with either party of the event. The introduction to the event background:
In November of 2011, 360buy took technical measures to block the price search engine of Etao, who afterwards replied it would no longer index the price data of 360buy by Weibo. Yet in the price war between 360buy and Suning, Etao again published the live price comparison between 360buy and other online shopping stores. And in recent, 360buy further blocked the browser plug-in of Etao on, and the plug-in is designed to show the prices on different websites of the same product. Etao stated 360buy is paralyzing its software.