The Anti-Monopoly Judgment’s Digest of Huawei vs. InterDigital of China Courts


(By You Yunting) The anti-monopoly litigation of Huawei v. InterDigital caused the attention of intellectual property bound in China. Huawei had filed litigations in China accusing InterDigital of discrimination in patent licensing. Recently, Guangdong Higher People’s Court published its rulings in Huawei v. InterDigital. In today’s post, we will present the judgment of this case and address our comments in the following.

Introduction to the Case:

Appellant (Plaintiff in the first instance): Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd (the “Huawei”)


Why Johnson & Johnson’s Limitation on Resale Prices Constitute a Monopoly Agreement?


(By You Yunting) Yesterday, we posted on our blog an article titled, Why Did the Court Not Rule in Accordance With Article 14 of the Anti Monopoly Law in order to introduce the first legal issue in Johnson’s limitation on resale prices litigation. Today, we will continue our introduction regarding why the Shanghai court determined that Johnson’s limitation on resale prices constituted a monopoly agreement, as well as commentary on an extract from court’s decision.

In this post, the “appellant” and “plaintiff” both refer to the “Beijing Rui Bang Yong He Science and Trading Co., Ltd” while “appellee” and “defendant” refers to “Johnson & Johnson Medical Ltd”.


Full Text of NDRC’s Public Announcement on Milk Powder Manufactures’ Vertical Monopoly of Price Control


(By You Yunting) According to the latest announcement on Chinese National Development and Reform Commission website, NDRC’s carried out anti-monopoly investigations into milk powder manufacturers and imposed fines. Based on this announcement, we found that there are different views between NDRC and Chinese courts on the understanding of Article 14 of the Anti Monopoly Law. With regard to the court’s understanding that milk powder formula in this case is effective competitive, the milk powder manufacturers shall not the determined as violating the the Anti Monopoly Law even if they conducted price control. Following is our translation for this public announcement.