China Laws and Regulations Update in Augest 2017

1.Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revised Edition 2017)

Promulgated by the National Development and Reform Committee

File No. No.4 Order of the NDRC

Promulgation date: 28th June 2017

Effective date: 28th July 2017

The Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revised Edition 2017) first introduced the negative list for foreign investment access, containing 63 articles about restrictions and prohibitions, decreased by 30 articles compared with the 2015 edition. The Catalogue shall be the basis on which the pre-establishment national treatment and negative list administration model is implemented. No measure should be taken to restrict foreign investment access to any area outside the scope of the negative list. The new Catalogue further relaxes the restrictions on foreign investment access to service, manufacturing and mining industries and especially abolishes the restrictions on foreign investment access to industries of oil and gas for special use, precious metals, lithium ores, etc. (Source: Website of the National Development and Reform Committee)


China Laws and Regulations Update in June 2017

1.The Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate Give the Clarification of Several Issues on Dealing with Criminal Cases of Personal Information Infringement

The Clarification consists of 13 articles to clarify the definition of “personal information”, the decision making criteria on unlawful “provision of personal information”, the conviction criteria on personal information infringement, etc. Article 2 thereof states that violation of laws, rules and bylaws governing the protection of personal information should be deemed as “violation of applicable national laws” specified in Article 253.1 of the Criminal Law.


Traditional Media shall Enhance Themselves against Internet Infringement


(By You Yunting) According to news media’s reports, the National Copyright Administration of China (the “NACA”), State Internet Information Office (the “SIIO”), Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (the “MIIT”) and the Ministry of Public Security (the “MPC”) recently initiated the 10th special campaign dubbed “Sword Net Action” against online piracy and infringement, centered on cracking down on some websites’ unauthorized reprint from traditional media. This “Sword Net Action” could be better for traditional media, but governmental action gradually has different stages. Traditional media must improve practicing skills in the legal campaign against new Internet media.


Patent Issues for Attention on the Exhibition in China

The international exhibitions give enterprises great opportunity to release new technology or new product, which can help enterprises draw much public attentions. While such exhibitions are also annoyed by the patent dispute with damages the enterprises expectations on the exhibition. Today, Bridge IP Law Commentary today will give our analysis on the issues related to the exhibition patent.

I. Showing in an exhibition won’t cause a patent product lossing novelty

The priority of the trademark on the exhibition has been analyzed in our past post, while as to the patent right, the exhibition attendance could not necessarily bring the priority. According to Article 24 of Paten Law in China:

“An invention-creation for which a patent is applied for does not lose its novelty where, within six months before the date of filing, one of the following events occurred: (1) where it was first exhibited at an international exhibition sponsored or recognized by the Chinese Government”.