Why China Is Not Among Top 20 Countries of Pirated Music Download?

By You Yunting

Musicmetric, a website in USA, published the top 20 countries of pirated music download, yet to most ones’ astonishment, China is not found on the tally, who is commonly accused of granting least protection on IPR. Then what contributes to the surprising result? In today’s post, you could find our answer to it.

I. Most online music services are using the copyrighted ones

Unlike chargeable music download in iTunes or through P2P in USA, most users in China tend to get their free music by search engine, or download or listen to them by music software. The most popular music service now in China is from Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) and Tencent (SEHK: 700), whose music library is mostly licensed by the main recorders around the world.


Comments and Analysis on Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances

By Zhan Yi

On 26th June, the acceded countries at the diplomatic conference of WIPO signed the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances (the “Treaty”); the Treaty first established the overall protection system of performers’ rights concerning audiovisual works around the world.  The Treaty has covered more than 40 countries; with China being one of them. This essay is to analyze the effect on the audiovisual industry from the new Treaty, as well as the latest copyright law revisions in China.


Does BesTV Infringe CNTV for Broadcasting Olympic Games?

By You Yunting

In recent, CNTV, the subsidiary of China national television station (the “CCTV”), which in charge of its online business, quarreled with SMG’s BesTV (SHEX:600637) on the Olympics broadcasting. By the statement of CNTV, it owns the exclusive online broadcasting right of 2012 London Olympics in China, yet BesTV, with no license form CNTV, provided 1) the streaming of Olympic games, 2) program time-shifted playback through server storage and 3) VOD to local cooperated IPTVs, and that damages CNTV’s legal rights. So far we have heard no reply from BesTV on the accusation.


What Change on Information Communication by Network in Exposure Draft of China Copyright Law? II

By Luo Yanjie

II. To enlarge the information networks: a concept coincidence with the right to transmission

Besides the enlargement to the definition of the right to the information communication by networks in the exposure draft, the new judicial interpretation also regulates a wider definition on the information networks, which includes PC internet, radio & television networks and mobile telecommunication networks. We support such enlargements for radio and television VOD is feasible with the technology development while the networks of them are excluded from the legal information networks. Since the nature of VOD on radio & television networks is of no difference from that on the internet, the information communication by networks shall naturally involve it.


What Change on Online Copyright in Exposure Draft of China Copyright Law? I

By Luo Yanjie

In recent, the exposure draft of the Copyright Law (the “exposure draft”) has been the hot spots among the public, and many revisions of it have arisen wide argument, among which the most debated parts are the coercive license of the music works in Article 46 and extension management of the copyright collective management organization in Article 60 and 70. On the other hand, it also comes to our attention that rare discussion has been made on the revision concerning the right to the information communication by networks in the exposure draft, which however has been modified a lot. Although such modifications are seems to be a little bit “theoretical”, no one could deny it’s major influence in the future practices. And considering the increasing position of the internet in spreading the copyrighted works, it’s unfair to neglect the revision on the right to the information communication by networks.


Will Copyright Law Modification Break Down Recording Industry?

—digest of Sohu Weibo interview on Exposure Draft of Copyright Law

On the invitation from the biggest web portal sohu.com, Mr. You Yunting was interviewed on sohu’s microblog for the Copyright Law exposure draft (the “Draft”), and today’s essay is the digest of the interview. And for your convenience in reading, we’ve made a few alterations to the questions and our answers.

1. Q: Is the modification of this time kind of progress or retrogress?

A: From the legislature technology, the modification is a progress while it remains problems.